That's Yoshi and me. I ride a Harley, practice yoga, and love being in nature. I have a degree in applied anthropology/sociology and nutritional therapy and I'm a licensed RESTART instructor. I am passionate about how we connect, nourish, and heal ourselves with food.
Good Food!
Good food doesn't need to be depriving, complicated or boring, it just needs to be REAL.
Here are some of the meals I've made for myself (from top): Seafood stew with coconut milk, avocado and cilantro; grass-fed steak with mushrooms, simple salad dressed with balsamic vinegar and extra virgin olive oil, and the piece de resistance ... duck fat fries; coconut flour pancakes with butter, a bit of real maple syrup, and crazy smooth green tea.
About me
Hi, my name is Jennifer Coulter. I have been on a quest to find out what it means to be human for my entire life. Without a doubt, the most defining element of humanity is food. All animals eat, but only humans create meals. The meals we serve bring us together and help us feel connected to something bigger than ourselves. When we're sad or depressed we may eat the entire package of cookies or pint of ice cream. Food can heal us or destroy us.
I struggled with health issues since I was 10 years old. I was always tired and didn't understand why other kids could run and play without struggling. When I went to college I could only take classes in the afternoon. I had PMS and digestive issues, but I didn't know why. After college I went on a health kick and became vegan. During this time my cholesterol soared, my energy flagged even more, and I always seemed to have a cold. Finally, after a miscarriage I went to a nutritionist and chiropractor who changed my life and sent me on a path of self discovery.
Years later, I found that I have Hashimoto's thyroiditis, an autoimmune disorder probably triggered by my misguided food and lifestyle choices. I also have a genetic predisposition for iron overload and poor assimilation of B vitamins. After a lot of research, plus trial and error, I am nearly symptom free and have the energy to help others create a life of vitality. It was this journey that inspired my passion for nutritional awareness and connection to our own unique needs. I am so grateful to have this opportunity!
Yoshi & Maya
What a blessing and challenge! These pups were terribly abused, but they're overcoming their fears and giving us so much love.
My home in Colorado
After moving to Colorado nearly 25 years ago I'm still amazed by the beauty!
Let's Eat!
Being healthy isn't about deprivation! It's about enjoying the wonderful abundance in our lives and making conscious choices.